Monday, February 21, 2011

Necklush - Why I don't own one.

AHHH I love Necklush. It just fits my life style. I feel the same way about Necklush as I did about the ponytail mowhawk...finally a way to dress up a dressed down look.

Necklush takes well planned color combos of printed jersey - cuts them like angel hair pasta and Bam you have a hipster neck piece that can be twisted into 3 different looks. They are my go to gift for my young hip friends but sadly my own personal closet is without a Necklush. I hit the site once a month, check out the inventory, fall in love and then....I get paralyzed by all the options. It is almost like if I buy one the mystic of having one will disappear. All I want to do in a pinch is throw on a plain T, a great pair of jeans and a Necklush and call it a day. My own indecision is holding me back from completing my hipster look. All the crap I waste my money on and I won't buy the item I really is sad really. Oh and don't try to make one at will end in a bulky me. Don't let my issues keep you from your Necklush
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